Agnes Yang
Research Profile
I am a PhD candidate at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. My research focuses on how emerging technologies shape governance and market decisions via disintermediation; i.e., removing a central authority or intermediaries.
Specifically, my dissertation aims to address two research problems, in the context of decentralized platforms built on blockchains:
(i) potentials and limitations of decentralized, community governance in DAO*s
(ii) reducing gender and racial pricing disparity in NFT** art market
by eliminating intermediaries such as managers and art galleries.
By exploring the potential and limitations of blockchain technologies, I aim to guide organizations and marketplaces toward better adoption of decentralized systems suited to their objectives.
*DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization
**NFT: Non-fungible Tokens
Please refer to this blog post for more about the context of my research, presented in an FAQ format based on common and relevant questions I’ve encountered.​

University of Minnesota
PhD in Information and Decision Sciences (website)
Advisor: Gautam Ray
Dissertation title:
How Technology Shapes Governance and
Market Decisions via Disintermediation:
Potentials and Limitations of Blockchain
B.A. in Economics
M.S. in Finance