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Writing three pages everyday ?

Oct 2, 2024

1 min read




My ongoing project since May 3rd, 2024. As of Oct 2, the current episode number is 130. Inspiration comes from Julia Cameron, in her amazing piece, The Artist Way.

What do I write? Anything I want to write, there is no fixed agenda. I was baffled by the massive degree of freedom at first, realizing that I've never picked up a pen to write without a specific purpose, e.g., writing a book review, keeping diaries to record what happened that day. Every morning opening my note, I have no idea what I'll be writing and Voilà! that is the beauty of this ritual. It is amazing to see what brings up on the page everyday. So unexpected and clueless, some of them just serve as fun doodling. Others, especially the ones coming up repeatedly, seem to conceive things that matter to me, wittingly or not.

How many pages? three pages - WHY? when I introduced this to my husband, he questioned me about this specific number, why not two or four?- I don't know. But, according to Cameron, it is a right amount, not too little to have no effects, if any, but also not too long and arduous to drop out in the middle. So far, as I see the point that it shouldn't be too short, I try to keep the minimum of three-pages while sometimes it goes much longer working as a vent of the day, week.

This draft must go on, this posting will be revisited and updated some time soon. 📝

Oct 2, 2024

1 min read